News Releases

Press releases featuring INFORMS journal content, awards, and organization news. This content spans a variety of fields authored by a diverse and robust international community of practitioners, researchers, educators and students.

Direct Flights Save Lives! New Airline Routes Can Increase Kidney Sharing by More than 7%

Direct Flights Save Lives! New Airline Routes Can Increase Kidney Sharing by More than 7%

News Release, July 12, 2021

CATONSVILLE, MD, July 12, 2021 – It’s a supply and demand problem, it’s a transportation problem, it’s a donor problem – and that just scratches the surface. According to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, every 9 minutes a new patient is added to the organ waiting list. Every day 17 people die waiting for a kidney transplant. New research in the INFORMS journal Management Science tackles the transportation part of this problem. 

INFORMS Endorses Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Modernize STEM Education

INFORMS Endorses Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Modernize STEM Education

News Release, July 1, 2021

CATONSVILLE, MD, July 1, 2021 – INFORMS has endorsed new legislation introduced in the U.S. Congress last month that, if enacted, would modernize science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education in the United States to attract more young people into these studies and fields to enhance the nation’s pipeline of STEM talent. 

Do “Made in USA” Claims Make a Difference in Marketing Results?

Do “Made in USA” Claims Make a Difference in Marketing Results?

News Release, June 30, 2021

CATONSVILLE, MD, June 30, 2021 – Pick up any product in just about any store and you’re likely to find information that indicates the country of origin of the product. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires this for any imported product, but not for products made in the United States. When you see the words “Made in USA” on a product, it’s purely for marketing purposes. So, does it work?

Do Customer Loyalty Programs Really Help Sellers Make Money?

Do Customer Loyalty Programs Really Help Sellers Make Money?

News Release, June 7, 2021

CATONSVILLE, MD, June 7, 2021 – Customer loyalty programs have been around for decades and are used to help businesses, marketers and sellers build a sustainable relationship with their customers. But do they work? A recent study sought to find out and researchers learned that while yes, customer loyalty programs do work, perhaps not in ways most may assume.

New Research Shows Ridesharing Services Reduce Sexual Assault

New Research Shows Ridesharing Services Reduce Sexual Assault

News Release, May 24, 2021

CATONSVILLE, MD, May 24, 2021 – Contrary to portraits painted in popular media, new research involving ridesharing services shows they provide an additional level of protection for potential sexual assault victims, particularly in neighborhoods with inadequate public transportation or in circumstances that are more prone to sex crimes.

The Impact of Real-Time Feedback in Employee Reviews

The Impact of Real-Time Feedback in Employee Reviews

News Release, May 20, 2021

CATONSVILLE, MD, May 20, 2021 – To deliver real-time feedback to support employee development and rapid innovation, many companies are replacing formal, review-based performance management with systems that enable frequent and continuous employee evaluation. New research in the INFORMS journal Information Systems Research examines the role of these applications to understand the effects on employee performance appraisals.

Study Finds that Limited Access to Paid Video Streaming Services Contributes to Piracy Growth

Study Finds that Limited Access to Paid Video Streaming Services Contributes to Piracy Growth

News Release, May 4, 2021

CATONSVILLE, MD, May 4, 2021 – Paid video streaming services on your television, smart phone or other devices are increasingly replacing traditional video entertainment platforms of cable, satellite and broadcast TV. The growth of these services, known in the industry as over-the-top (OTT) media services, may be accompanied by a rise in pirated content, particularly where access to those services may be restricted, a group of researchers has found.

Food Assistance Amid Emergency Responses: The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Awarded the 2021 INFORMS Edelman Award

Food Assistance Amid Emergency Responses: The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Awarded the 2021 INFORMS Edelman Award

News Release, April 13, 2021

CATONSVILLE, MD, April 13, 2021 – INFORMS, the leading international association for operations research and analytics professionals, announced it has awarded The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) its 2021 Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in Advanced Analytics, Operations Research and Management Science for its use of operations research (O.R.) to master food assistance amid emergency responses.

Media Contact

Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

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