All search results for . 11501-11510 of 20201 results.
Enterprise optimization: a new application
...Editor���s note:An article in the February 2014 issue of OR/MS Today described ...
Are you a CEO who wants a raise? Try going on TV
Ruth Williams
Eric Stephens, CAP
...What has been your best INFORMS experience thus far?I have had several wonderful...
More Effective Television Advertising
...For decades, television advertisement deals had been guaranteed using only ...
Zhijie Dong
Yueran Zhuo
5,600 Operations Research and Analytics Professionals Set to Arrive in Houston for the 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting
...October 22-25 at the George R. Brown Convention CenterCATONSVILLE, MD, October ...
President’s Desk: Publications: The good, the bad and the ugly
...Brian Denton...
INFORMS News: Spring 2017 Roundtable roundup
...By Brian Eck...