All search results for . 10191-10200 of 20198 results.
Guidelines for Institutional Access
...The following guidelines provide institutional subscribers with a set of simple...
21st ACI Europe Annual Assembly & Congress
...Over the last 20 years, the ACI Europe Annual Congress has become firmly ...
9th International Conference on Decision Support for Telecommunications and Information Society
...GENERAL INFORMATIONConference objectivesThe conference is devoted to issues of ...
...Following the success of our IEEM2007 and IEEM2008 in Singapore, IEEM2009 in ...
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014 San Francisco
...INFORMS returns to the City by the Bay for its 2014 Annual Meeting with a rich ...
Gerard J. Tellis
Management Science and Risk - Call for Papers
...The scope of conference includes but is not limited to...
Gartner Business Intelligence Summit 2011
ICCL 2011