The Wagner Prize recognizes and rewards quality and coherence of analysis used in practice.
Dr. Daniel H. Wagner strove for strong mathematics applied to practical problems, supported by clear and intelligible writing. This prize recognizes those principles by emphasizing strong analytical content, good writing, and verifiable practice successes. Past winners include: DiDi Research, DiDi Chuxing, Cornell University, Lyft, Uber, Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, Georgia Tech, Centers for Disease Control, Ford Motor Company, MIT, Duke University, University of Chile, United States Coast Guard, Intel Corporation, IBM, and Princeton University.

What is the Wagner Prize?
The Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in the Practice of Advanced Analytics and Operations Research was established in 1998 to commemorate the life and work of Dr. Daniel H. Wagner, who strove for strong mathematics applications to practical problems and for these solutions to be supported by clear and intelligible writing. Previous and current judges are selected from highly skilled analytics professionals who will assess applicants on the following criteria:
Finalists papers are published in the INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics (formerly Interfaces). Your words will reach beyond the judges' table to the wider analytics profession so they need to be well communicated.
The quality and coherence of the analysis used in a submission is the whole reason we're here. You've done great work and it's time to highlight that effort. Time to show the world your mathematical development, solution, unique new algorithm, or series of coherent advances developed in conjunction with an application.
Did your proposed mathematical solution to a practical problem work? Great! A successful application doesn't have to change an entire industry to be recognized as excellent work. What's important is the work you've accomplished, not necessarily it's quantitative impact.