2023 Winner(s)
- Valeria Castro, Universidad de los Andes
- Ruofeng Liu, Rice University
- Jake Palmieri, University of Southern California
- Changkun Guan, Bucknell University
- Mung Yao Jia, Johns Hopkins University
- Zach Jordan, University of Colorado
- Xinchang Wang, University of Michigan
Purpose of the Award
The INFORMS scholarships supports undergraduate students to attend the 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, October 20-23, 2024. This scholarship program aims to foster the professional pipeline of operations research, management science, and analytics researchers by providing undergraduate students an opportunity to experience these exciting fields and gain professional development opportunities by attending the annual meeting.
2024 Committee Chair
Afrooz Jalilzadeh, Ph.D.
The University of Arizona
Scholarships will provide travel and registration reimbursements up to $1,250.
We encourage self-nominations from undergraduate students across a variety of quantitative disciplines, including (but not limited to): mathematics, engineering, computer science, statistics, business, and economics. This scholarship is aimed at two types of undergraduate students:
- those already engaged in operations research and management science studies and/or research projects, and
- those who have had little to no training in traditional OR/MS courses, but are considering pursuing graduate studies in this area, e.g., a third year undergraduate math major who is contemplating their post-graduation plans.
The awardees will be provided with a recommended schedule to help them enjoy and learn from the conference and other scholarship winners. Specific activities may include:
- Meeting with ambassador graduate students
- Meetings with committee members and INFORMS Staff
- Attending plenaries, selected talks/posters, and tutorials
- Attending new member breakfast
- Attending INFORMS Welcome Reception
- Attending INFORMS society meetings
- Student in their final undergraduate year at the time of the Annual Meeting, October 20-23, 2024.
- An overall GPA equivalent to 3.25 or better on a 4.0 system.
Application Requirements
An application requires:
- the student's one-page CV or resume
- the student's transcript (an unofficial copy is fine)
- a one-page essay written by the student detailing interest in operations research, management science and/or analytics
- a letter of recommendation from a faculty member.
The deadline for applications is July 7, 2024 (11:59pm pacific). Applications should be submitted through the INFORMS submission portal.
The INFORMS Scholarships Committee will evaluate and select the scholarship recipients.