Media Coverage

Media articles featuring INFORMS members in the news.

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Possible cause of Russian jet crash

November 12, 2015

What does preliminary information say about the crash of the passenger jet flying over the Sinai Peninsula? Was there an explosive device? INFORMS Treasurer Sheldon Jacobson, an aviation security expert, discusses the possibilities in this streaming video interview.

What's the value of a win in college sports?

As the debate continues over whether college student-athletes should be paid for their on-field performances, a new study from Harvard Business School reveals just how much intercollegiate football and basketball programs contribute to a school’s bottom line.

The quantitative link between game day and payday is courtesy of Assistant Professor Doug J. Chung, who reviewed 117 schools with Division I football and basketball teams, matching athletic performance with revenue flow covering an 11-year period. The findings were jaw-dropping—winning just one more football game in a season, for example, could bump revenues by as much as $3 million for a high-powered program like Alabama or Michigan.

Chung details the correlation between wins on the field and wins for a school’s piggy bank in his paper, How Much Is a Win Worth? An Application to Intercollegiate Athletics, forthcoming in Management Science.

Why a college football win is worth millions

November 12, 2015

In a forthcoming paper in the journal Management Science, Harvard professor Doug Chung puts a dollar figure on the value of each additional win for big-time college football programs. He finds that each additional win creates a bump of about $3 million, through increases in revenue streams like ticket and merchandise sales, television contracts, and booster donations.

Tweeting and Customer Service: No Good Deed...

November 12, 2015

While responding to complaints on social media can help develop a rapport with customers, it can also trigger new complaints, according to a study from professors at the University of Maryland, Carnegie Mellon University and Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, in China.

The study, which was published in Marketing Science, a journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), explains the side effect of customers coming to expect help and giving them more of a reason to speak up in the future.

“People complain on Twitter not just to vent their frustration,” said one researcher, Liye Ma. “They do that also in the hope of getting the company’s attention. Once they know the company is paying attention, they are more ready to complain the next time around.”

Best definition of analytics

November 12, 2015

INFORMS has a definition that is commonly used and I think does a great job of answering the question: What is analytics? INFORMS defines analytics as the scientific process of transforming data into insights for the purpose of making better decisions. Analytics is always an action-driven approach. There is always a decision to be made when we look at doing analytics. Coming from a data science background and working with a lot of statisticians, data scientists love to analyze data just for the sake of analyzing it. However, it is important to ensure our analysis is driving business action. Ultimately, we want analytics to empower an organization's vision.

Media Contact

Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

Resoundingly Human Podcast

An audio journey of how data and analytics save lives, save money and solve problems.

Artificial Intelligence

The Stargate AI Project: America’s $500 Billion Bet - But at What Cost?

The Stargate AI Project: America’s $500 Billion Bet - But at What Cost?

The Fast Mode, February 10, 2025

The telecom industry is at a pivotal crossroads, and the only choice forward for telcos is to pursue innovation without the fear of failure. Telcos must be willing to capitalize on emerging technologies and shifting market dynamics that will soon dominate the future telecom landscape. Three areas, in particular, telcos should begin investing in and exploring (if they haven’t already) include:


We all benefit from and are hurt by health insurance claim denials

We all benefit from and are hurt by health insurance claim denials

Atlanta Journal Constitution, January 23, 2025

Health insurance has become necessary, with large and unpredictable health care costs always looming before each of us. Unfortunately, the majority of people have experienced problems when using their health insurance to pay for their medical care. Health insurance serves as the buffer between patients and the medical care system, using population pooling to mitigate the risk exposure on any one individual.

Supply Chain

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello, February 28, 2025

Prof. Anna Nagurney explains what Rare Earth Minerals are and their importance in a variety of industries along with day-to-day life
