Media Coverage

Media articles featuring INFORMS members in the news.

Most Recent Media Coverage

9 Points About School Decision-Making During COVID From a  Data Expert

9 Points About School Decision-Making During COVID From a Data Expert

District Administration, December 16, 2020

Sheldon H. Jacobson doesn’t mince words about the lack of a coordinated effort to collect reliable data about COVID. “Data collection has been a disaster during this pandemic,” says Jacobson, a Founder Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois and a leader at INFORMS, an association for operations research and analytics professionals. “For someone who uses data and analyzes data, it took me months to get info from the CDC.”

Intense Efforts to Secure COVID Vaccine, Keep It Off the Black Market

Intense Efforts to Secure COVID Vaccine, Keep It Off the Black Market

NBC Boston, December 17, 2020

As delivery trucks rumble out of Pfizer’s Michigan plant with an escort from U.S. Marshals, they are also under the watchful eye of FedEx employees. Each box of vaccines is equipped with Bluetooth and GPS sensors to monitor their location and temperature. “I refer to them as guardian angels,” said Richard Smith, regional president of the Americas for the shipping giant. “They are using the technology to have eyes on every single one of them to be alerted to any potential failure.”

In Conversation with Opher Baron: On the Making of an Online Canadian PPE Marketplace

In Conversation with Opher Baron: On the Making of an Online Canadian PPE Marketplace

Institute for Healthcare Improvement, December 18, 2020

For the second instalment of our 2020–21 speaker series, we had the pleasure of joining Dr. Opher Baron, Professor of Operations Management, from the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. He shared his journey creating a Canadian marketplace for personal protective equipment (PPE) to help bridge the crucial supply chain gaps that swept across the country during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Two Research Awards for Mercedes Pelegrín García

India Education Diary, December 16, 2020

Mercedes Pelegrín García, a young researcher from the “Integrated Urban Mobility” Chair, has been awarded by two renowned international societies on Operational Research. These prizes are awarded for her PhD dissertation and her trajectory as a young researcher. Operational Research (OR) is the science of decision making, mathematical optimisation and modelling. It focuses on the optimal resolution of decision-making problems and the identification and use of the mathematical properties featured by each case. This is the field of research of Mercedes Pelegrín García, young researcher of the “Integrated Urban Mobility” Chair at the Laboratoire d’informatique (LIX)* under the direction of Claudia D’Ambrosio, holder of the Chair. Her work has been rewarded with a prize from INFORMS and one from EURO, the OR Societies in the US and Europe, respectively.

Negative Shocks May Hit Twice in Pharmaceutical Development

Negative Shocks May Hit Twice in Pharmaceutical Development

ACRP, December 15, 2020

One defining aspect of the pharmaceutical industry is its high exposure to negative shocks—product recalls, tornados that shut down production lines, Phase III failures, you name it. As my thinking about some of these shocks has grown over time, I’ve come to realize some shocks may hit twice—the second time being the moment a sub-par decision is made in an attempt to recover from the original hit. With stakes being so high, it seems particularly important for leaders in this industry to remain aware that they are not immune to the perils of reactive decision making.

Media Contact

Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

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Artificial Intelligence

The Stargate AI Project: America’s $500 Billion Bet - But at What Cost?

The Stargate AI Project: America’s $500 Billion Bet - But at What Cost?

The Fast Mode, February 10, 2025

The telecom industry is at a pivotal crossroads, and the only choice forward for telcos is to pursue innovation without the fear of failure. Telcos must be willing to capitalize on emerging technologies and shifting market dynamics that will soon dominate the future telecom landscape. Three areas, in particular, telcos should begin investing in and exploring (if they haven’t already) include:


We all benefit from and are hurt by health insurance claim denials

We all benefit from and are hurt by health insurance claim denials

Atlanta Journal Constitution, January 23, 2025

Health insurance has become necessary, with large and unpredictable health care costs always looming before each of us. Unfortunately, the majority of people have experienced problems when using their health insurance to pay for their medical care. Health insurance serves as the buffer between patients and the medical care system, using population pooling to mitigate the risk exposure on any one individual.

Supply Chain

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello, February 28, 2025

Prof. Anna Nagurney explains what Rare Earth Minerals are and their importance in a variety of industries along with day-to-day life
