News Releases

Press releases featuring INFORMS journal content, awards, and organization news. This content spans a variety of fields authored by a diverse and robust international community of practitioners, researchers, educators and students.

Artificial Intelligence Can Be Used to Produce Better, More Cost-effective Product Designs

Artificial Intelligence Can Be Used to Produce Better, More Cost-effective Product Designs

News Release, December 11, 2023

BALTIMORE, MD, December 11, 2023 – Researchers have found that machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) can significantly reduce cost and time in the product design phase, not only in the actual generative design of the product, but also in the predictive analysis of whether consumers will be attracted to certain designs.

Study Finds Your Profile Picture Plays a Significant Role in Whether You Get Hired

Study Finds Your Profile Picture Plays a Significant Role in Whether You Get Hired

News Release, November 27, 2023

BALTIMORE, MD, November 27, 2023 – A new study has found that your online profile picture may play a key role in whether you get hired. The study also found that if your profile photo suggests you “look the part,” those hiring you as an employee or freelancer may be more likely to give that more weight than lower ratings, lack of certifications and a fewer number of reviews than your close competitors.

Leading Industry Professional and Vice President at Oliver Wyman, David Hunt, elected president-elect of INFORMS

Leading Industry Professional and Vice President at Oliver Wyman, David Hunt, elected president-elect of INFORMS

News Release, October 17, 2023

BALTIMORE, MD, October 17, 2023 – INFORMS, the largest association for the decision and data sciences, announced that David Hunt has been elected the 2025 INFORMS President. Hunt is the vice president at Oliver Wyman and focuses on transportation policy, operations and strategic planning. He will join the INFORMS Board of Directors as president-elect in January 2024 and will then serve as president and past president in 2025 and 2026, respectively.

Marketing Lessons from a Hurricane: Research Finds the Effects of Brand-switching Only Temporary

Marketing Lessons from a Hurricane: Research Finds the Effects of Brand-switching Only Temporary

News Release, September 13, 2023

BALTIMORE, MD, September 13, 2023 – Using data from pre- and post-hurricane purchasing of consumer-packaged goods (CPG), new research has found that while consumers may switch brands in the lead-up to a natural disaster, they will likely switch back to their previously purchased brands when the crisis has passed. This has implications for the extent to which companies can expect to capture consumers using temporary price promotions.

New Research Provides Hope for Parkinson’s Disease Symptom Control

New Research Provides Hope for Parkinson’s Disease Symptom Control

News Release, September 12, 2023

BALTIMORE, MD, September 12, 2023 – Finding the right medication regimen to treat Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a complex healthcare challenge. Wearable health trackers provide physicians with a detailed window into patients’ symptoms, but translating this complex data into useful treatment insights can be difficult. New research in the INFORMS journal Management Science accomplishes just that. Researchers found that combining wearable health tracker data with state-of-the-art algorithms results in promising treatment strategies that could improve PD patients’ outcomes.

Media Contact

Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

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