12 members to be inducted in October for outstanding lifetime accomplishments and contributions in operations research and analytics
BALTIMORE, MD, September 12, 2022 – INFORMS, the largest association for the decision and data sciences, has officially named 12 outstanding members as Fellows, one of the highest honors in the operations research (O.R.) profession. The 2022 INFORMS Fellows will be inducted during the 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Oct. 16-19, which will be held in Indianapolis. INFORMS Fellows are honored for their outstanding lifetime accomplishments and contributions in O.R. and analytics.
2022 INFORMS Honorary Fellows
Rajan Batta is an associate dean for faculty affairs and diversity in the school of engineering and applied sciences, and SUNY distinguished professor of industrial and systems engineering at the University at Buffalo. He is honored for advanced theoretical research and use-inspired models for addressing location, layout, security and HAZMAT transport problems; and for sustained outstanding academic education and leadership.
William J. Browning is the CEO and founder of Applied Mathematics, Inc. He is being honored for outstanding operations analysis contributions to the United States Navy Submarine Force tactical effectiveness, and for exceptional service to INFORMS and the INFORMS Roundtable.
Richard Church is a distinguished professor emeritus at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is being honored for contributions to facility location theory and modeling, forest reserve planning and spatial resilience planning.
Elsayed A. Elsayed is a distinguished professor of industrial and systems engineering at Rutgers University. He is being honored for innovative contributions to theory and applications in reliability engineering, distinguished contributions in education, and leadership service to industrial engineering and INFORMS professional societies.
Julie Simmons Ivy is a professor in the Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and a Fitts Faculty Fellow in health systems engineering at North Carolina State University. She is being honored for her service and significant contributions in healthcare and hunger relief, which have advanced the stature and recognition of the OR/MS profession, making it more inclusive for underrepresented members.
Daniel Kuhn is a professor of operations research at EPFL . He is being honored for pioneering work and thought leadership in distributionally robust and multistage robust optimization, including applications in operations research, management science and machine learning.
Anne Robinson is the chief strategy officer at Kinaxis. She is being honored for sustained excellence in service to INFORMS and the profession, and for outstanding contributions to practice and management through applications of operations research and advanced analytics to supply chain management, and for championing industry-academic collaboration.
Andrew Schaefer is a Noah Harding chair and professor of computational applied mathematics and operations research at Rice University. He is being honored for fundamental contributions to optimizing disease treatment decisions and optimization under uncertainty.
Katya Scheinberg is a professor of operations research and information engineering at Cornell University. She is being honored for outstanding research contributions to continuous optimization, particularly derivative-free optimization and the interface of optimization and machine learning, as well as outstanding service and leadership.
Karen Smilowitz is a James N. and Margie M. Krebs professor of industrial engineering and management sciences at Northwestern University. She is being honored for outstanding research in transportation, logistics and nonprofit operations, significant contributions to the practice of O.R. for social good and advancing equity and diversity.
Julie Swann is the A. Doug Allison distinguished professor and department head in the Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at North Carolina State University. She is being honored for her significant research and impact on health and humanitarian systems, outstanding educational contributions, excellence in service and academic leadership, and distinguished contributions in advocacy of the profession to the public.
Enver Yücesan is the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank chaired professor in international management at INSEAD Business School. He is being honored for outstanding service, education and research contributions to the international simulation community.
INFORMS advances and promotes the science and technology of decision-making to save lives, save money and solve problems. As the largest association for the decision and data sciences, INFORMS members support organizations and governments at all levels as they work to transform data into information, and information into insights that lead to more efficient, effective, equitable and impactful results. INFORMS’ 10,000+ members are comprised of a diverse and robust international community of practitioners, researchers, educators and students from a variety of fields.
Ashley Smith
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