All search results for . 731-740 of 20081 results.
...By John ToczekHosting a dinner party requires several skills to pull off a ...
...On the 5th to the 8th of July, 2011 statisticians from the American Statistical ...
INFORMS News: Spring conference broadens scope to encompass analytics
...By David R. LeonhardiINFORMS��� spring ���Practice Conference��� has been re-...
INFORMS News: Edelman competition: the best in applied analytics
...Six finalists will compete for the most prestigious prize in applied O.R., the ...
ICWS 2011
...ICWS has been a prime international forum for both researchers and industry ...
INFORMS News: Introducing Analytics Connect
...Analytics Connect is a new, premier, professional job event to be held at the ...
British Academy of Management Conference 2011
...BAM2011: Annual Conference of the British Academy of ManagementBuilding and ...
INFORMS News: IBM research center wins Wagner Prize
...By C. Allen ButlerThe IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center won the 2010 Daniel H...
Pranav Jindal
Jiwoong Shin