Search Results

All search results for . 6971-6980 of 19566 results.

Ed Ramsden

INFORMS News: Edelman competition: the best in applied analytics
...Six finalists will compete for the most prestigious prize in applied O.R., the ...

Virot Chiraphadhanakul

INFORMS News: Introducing Analytics Connect
...Analytics Connect is a new, premier, professional job event to be held at the ...

UPS wins Gartner BI Excellence Award
...UPS was awarded the 2011 Gartner Business Intelligence (BI) Excellence Award ...

Cristian Figueroa

INFORMS News: IBM research center wins Wagner Prize
...By C. Allen ButlerThe IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center won the 2010 Daniel H...

Twan Dollevoet

Lingyun Meng

Paul Dupuis