Search Results

All search results for . 3141-3150 of 19563 results.

Lifetime Professional Achievement Award
...The Lifetime Professional Achievement Award (LPAA) of the Institute for ...

Who Is Darl McBride, and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things about Linux?
...INFORMS Online runs on a Web platform architecture known as LAMP, which stands ...

Lessons in Web Design
...As Gary Bennett and I mentioned in the previous IOL column (February 2008), ...

The Supremes Rock Quantitative Methods
...The Supreme Court handed down decisions recently that: 1) racial diversity is &...

WSC Diversity Award
...In order to improve outreach and diversity among young researchers in the field ...

Branding O.R. in Europe
...I was positively impressed by the INFORMS announcement about the "branding ...

Multicultural Aspects of O.R. Education
...In a culturally diverse and globalized world, awareness of culturally bound ...

Best Dissertation Award
...Relevant dissertation topics in the domain of technology management may reflect...

The Executive MBA
...Executive MBA (or EMBA) programs, often known as "MBA lights," have ...

Can OR Help Stop The Invisible Plague?
...When you list major threats to U. S. security and prosperity, do you include ...