Search Results

All search results for . 19331-19340 of 19372 results.

INFORMS CAP Approved by VA
...CATONSVILLE, MD, June 8, 2015 - The Institute for Operations Research and ...

2015 TSL Workshop
...There has been a significant body of research on making urban transportation ...

How Investors Trip Themselves Up

Montgomery, David B.

...The INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2015) will be...

INFORMS NEWS: Data Mining and Analytics Workshop
...The Data Mining and Analytics (DM&A) Workshop of INFORMS will be held Oct. ...

Johnson, Ellis L.

INFORMS NEWS: UBC program wins UPS Prize
...Harish Krishnan (fifth from right), director of UBCs Business Schools ...

INFORMS NEWS: Innovative Applications in Analytics Award
...Innovative Applications in Analytics Award Committee members and officers of the...

King, William R.