Search Results

All search results for . 15511-15520 of 20203 results.

INFORMS Computing Society Conference (ICS 2011)
...The 12th INFORMS Computing Society Conference will take place January 9th - 11th...

David Munoz

Francisco Solis Robleda

Jaime Villasenor Zetuche

Arthur M. Geoffrion
...INFORMS President 1997; TIMS President, 1981-1982...

Luis de los Santos Cayetano

CARE Int’l Pre-Positions Disaster Relief Using Promising Discipline of Humanitarian Logistics
...HANOVER, MD, July 21, 2011 Operations research models developed by a team at...

2012 INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research
...Read the meeting recap from Analytics 2011(

INFORMS Computing Society Conference (ICS 2013)
...General Chair: William Hart, Sandia National Laboratories...

Franz Edelman Laureates: Class of 2010
...FIRST PLACE Team...