All search results for . 13871-13880 of 20203 results.
...Three prominent members of INFORMS ��� Arjang Assad, Saul Gass and David Simchi-...
INFORMS News: Austin meeting sets record
...The 2010 INFORMS Annual Meeting held in Austin, Texas, Nov. 7-10 drew a record 4...
2011 MSOM Society Annual Conference and SIG Workshops
...The Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (MSOM) of the ...
Ying-Ju Chen
Edelman Fact Sheet NYS Dept Taxation
...HANOVER, MD, March 21, 2011 ��� The New York State Department of Taxation and ...
When close is better than optimal
...By Douglas A. Samuelson...
Midwest ISO Competing for INFORMS Edelman Prize
...HANOVER, MD, March 21, 2011 ��� Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator...
‘We want to be the face of analytics’
...By Peter Horner...
Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Competing for INFORMS Edelman Prize
...HANOVER, MD, March 21, 2011 ��� Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited ...