All search results for . 12431-12440 of 20203 results.
Laila Cure
Anurag Verma
INFORMS News: Robinson, Dietrich receive Kimball Medals
...INFORMS President Rina Schneur (far left) and Committee Chair John Birge (far ...
Ciamac C. Moallemi
INFORMS News: Turner captures Dantzig Award
...INFORMS President Rina Schneur congratulates Dantzig Award winner John Turner....
Vijay V. Desai
Karan Girotra
Elena Belavina
INFORMS News: Kline earns INFORMS Prize for Teaching of OR/MS Practice
...Incoming INFORMS President Terry Harrison (left) and 2011 INFORMS President Rina...
Dr. Berna Dengiz