All search results for . 11811-11820 of 20202 results.
Steven Eppinger
Alessio Cozzolino
The Pedagogy of Zombies
...Given their cult-like following, many educators have turned to zombies to act as...
Russell James Funk
VIEWPOINT: The true cost of ‘free’ statistical software
...An examination of the open-source software package R.By Richard D. Pollack, ...
Hila Lifshitz-Assaf
Simulation Software Survey
...Simulated worldsDriven by questions, fueled by thought and realized by ...
Catherine Magelssen
INFORMS NEWS: Roundtable meeting focuses on ‘uncertainty quantification’
...Colter Bay Village Marina on Jackson Lake. Photo by Kathy LangeThe 2015 INFORMS...
Ivan Contreras