Search Results

All search results for . 10581-10590 of 20197 results.

International O.R. Insights: Emergence of global analytics centers of excellence in India
...By Rohit Tandon and Arnab ChakrabortyIndia's average quarterly GDP grew at a 7....

Special Report: O.R. & the National Science Foundation
...By Michael C. Fu and Russell R. Barton...

INFORMS News: 2012 INFORMS International Conference
...The Forbidden City is a must-see for visitors to the 2012 INFORMS International ...

INFORMS News: INFORMS officer nominations
...The INFORMS Nominating Committee has provided the following slate of nominees ...

...The INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST 2012) will be...

INFORMS News: INFORMS Combined Colloquia 2012
...The 2012 INFORMS Combined Colloquia will be held on Oct.12-13, the Friday and ...

INFORMS News: INFORMS names UPS George D. Smith Prize finalists
...INFORMS announced three finalist schools in the competition for the first UPS ...

INFORMS News: Roundtable report: mobile computing
...By Pete BuczkowskiMobile Computing was the theme of the Roundtable winter ...

...By Doug SamuelsonThe four OR/MS analysts had just completed their weekly five-...

Jorge Calzada