What's Your StORy? Dayana Cope

Kara Tucker, editor of OR/MS Today, sits down with longtime INFORMS member Dayana Cope, Delta Airlines.

0:00 Intro
0:09 Introduce yourself to the INFORMS membership
0:33 How you got into this field?
1:10 What did you do for NASA?
2:04 How do you define “analytics”?
2:42 What your favorite project has been during your 20-year industry career?
3:53 Do you have any advice for analytics/data science students who are trying to decide between industry and academia?
4:56 What is your experience as general chair of the Virtual 2021 INFORMS Analytics Conference?
7:18 What is your favorite part about the Analytics Conference?
7:48 Why do you find this engagement so important?
9:13 Do you have an advice for newer members on how to get involved in the volunteering?
10:17 Can you tell us about your experience?
11:52 "I invite you all to join INFORMS, a fantastic organization" in Spanish
12:36 What advice would you give to your younger self?
12:54 If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?
13:35 You walk outside and find a $10M winning lottery ticket. What do you do?

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