Academy of Business & Administrative Sciences, which pioneered International Conferencing on the theme of Emerging Economies over the last 7 years, is pleased to announce a bold offering of five conferences (Limassol, Cyprus; Vilnius, Lithuania; Riga, Latvia; Montreux, Switzerland; and Tallinn, Estonia) in summer 2006 at international destinations that offer a stunning mix of cultural heritage, economic development, and ambience.
The XVI International Conference of the Academy of Business & Administrative Sciences (ABAS) will be held June 18-20, 2006 in Reval Hotel Latvija, the largest first class hotel in Riga located in the very heart of the city and overlooking a quiet, picturesque park. After joining NATO and the European Union a year ago, Latvia has been steadily on the rise in terms of economic transformation. Often called Paris of the Baltics, Riga is the biggest, most centrally located, and perhaps the most culturally diverse among Baltic cities. It offers world-class entertainment, night life, and a front row seat to dramatic economic transformation in the works. Already considered the de facto business capital of the Baltics, Riga offers a rich mix of cultural tradition and modern amenities. Proposals for presentations, panel symposia, and workshops are invited. Please refer to the conference web site for additional details: http://www.sba.muohio.edu/abas/
or contact the program chair at [email protected]