Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
- Color and Textures
- Segmentation and Grouping
- Image-based Modeling
- Image and Video Retrieval
- Image and Video Communication
- Web Based Graphics
- Rendering Algorithms
- Volume Visualization
- Multiresolution Surfaces and Algorithms
- Implicit Surface Modeling
- Geometric and Solid Modeling
- Modeling for Games and Entertainment
- Collaborative Virtual Environments
- Virtual Reality and Multimedia
- Multimedia Information Retrieval
- Multimedia Service Composition
- Multimedia for Human Communication - From Capture to Convey
- Multimedia Sensing, Networking, and Streaming
- Multimedia Description Languages and Standards
- Multimedia Systems and Applications
Papers submission: December 15, 2005
Notification of acceptance of papers: January 15, 2006 Camera ready papers and pre-registration: February 1, 2006
We cordially invite you to submit a paper presenting the results of original research or innovative practical applications in the area we describe above.
You may submit a full paper of a maximum of 6 to 10 pages (Letter or A4
paper) for oral presentation. Submitted papers have to be original, containing new and original results. The submitted paper must be camera-ready and formatted according to the rules of LNCS. For formatting information, see the publishers web site (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html ). Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper. The submission must be performed electronically only through http://cyberchair.iccsa.org . Electronic submissions will be in MS Word, PS, or PDF. The acceptance can be conditional on the basis of improvements as advised by the referee or program committee suggestions or because of inappropriate formatting and preparation of the paper.
Whether your paper is finally accepted is subject to the discretion of the ICCSA organizers, on the basis whether the suggestions and guidelines have been followed. Please submit your paper for review by November 21, 2005.
The papers accepted and presented in the workshop will be published in the Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series and will be collected in the Science Citation Index (SCI) Expanded database of Thomson ISI.