Workshop Theme:
The session will present recent and novel findings in the area of Modelling Complex Systems and is intended for both basic and applied research in complex systems, with particular emphasis on emergent behaviour. The investigation of nonlinear processes, predictability and concepts (such as order, complexity and information interdependence), informs our understanding of how complex systems behave and may provide insight into dynamics, development and control. The emphasis of this workshop is on research that demonstrates originality in all areas of Modelling Complex Systems.
We invite applications for high-quality original contributions of
(maximum) 10 pages in length in the following area of modelling and simulation (but not restricted to):
* Biological Processes
* Financial Systems
* Traffic Flow, Control and Prediction
* Systems of Self-organisation and Emergent Behaviour
* Cellular Automata and Applications
* Multi-agent systems
* Artificial Life and Autonomous Systems