In recent years, research at the intersection of game theory and computer science has become increasingly important, increasingly
strong and increasingly diverse. This summer school will span
computational and algorithmic game theory as well as topics of algorithmic flavor in pure game theory.
The summer school will take place at the BRICS PhD school at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus on June 26-30, 2006. The intended participants of the summer school are graduate students and post-docs within computer science, but also students within mathematics and economics interested in computational aspects of game theory are encouraged to register for the summer school.
* Yevgeniy Dodis, New York University:
Game Theory and Cryptography
* Andrew Goldberg, Microsoft Research:
Optimizing Auctions
* Sergiu Hart, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem:
Adaptive Heuristics and Uncoupled Dynamics
* Tim Roughgarden, Stanford University:
Network Games
* Bernhard von Stengel, London School of Economics and Political Science:
Equilibrium Computation