A. Cliffe (University of Nottingham)
The Onset of Vortices in Taylor-Couette Flow
O. Davydov (University of Strathclyde)
Scattered data fitting on manifolds with projected bivariate splines
A. Hill (University of Bath)
Nonlinear stability of general linear methods
V. Styles (University of Sussex)
Mathamtical models for diffusion induced grain boundary motion
A. Watson (University of Dundee)
Numerical methods for fitting models to uncertain data
This is the 14th annual Scottish Computational Mathematics Symposium. The current meeting is jointly organised by D. B. Duncan (Heriot-Watt University) and J.A. Mackenzie (University of Strathclyde) with the aim of bringing together mathematicians and others who develop and/or use computer algorithms to solve mathematical problems. The meeting is open to everyone.