Country: Norway (NOR)
PhD Winter School 2011 Norway, March 6th-13th
Managing uncertainty in energy infrastructure investments
Confirmed lecturers:
-Jan Abrell & Daniell Huppmann, DIW, Berlin
-Mette Bjørndal, NHH, Bergen
-Antonio Conejo, Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha
-Ruud Egging, NTNU, Trondheim
-Stein-Erik Fleten, NTNU, Trondheim
-Daniel Kuhn, Imperial college, London
-Xiang Li, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
-Suvrajeet Sen, Ohio State University
-Afzal Siddiqui, University College London
-Asgeir Tomasgard, NTNU, Trondheim
-Stein W. Wallace, Lancaster University
Registration and fees:
A) PhD students: 300 euro (limited number of places)
- Shared double room and 3 meals per day included
B) Other participants: 650 euro
‐ Shared double room and 3 meals per day included
C) Other participants: 950 euro
‐ Single room and 3 meals per day included
Please register by sending an email to us indicating category as soon as possible to: [email protected]. We will then send confirmation and payment information.
Until January 15th we have some flexibility on the number of participants, after that only limited capacity.
Arrival: Sunday 6th.
Lectures: 7th-11th
- Morning session 8.30-11.00
- Ski break
- Afternoon session 15.30-19.00
- Dinner 19.30
March 12th:
- Morning lecture+ social program
Departure March 13th (or evening 12th, depending on flight)
Asgeir Tomasgard, NTNU
Stein-Erik Fleten, NTNU
Mette Bjørndal, NHH
For more information contact us at:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]