Even though the scientific contributions generated by the Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) research community can have a significant impact in the development of real-world distributed systems, the techniques resulting from such contributions will only be widely adopted when suitable programming languages and tools are available. Furthermore, such languages and tools must incorporate MAS techniques in a principled but practical way, so as to support the ever more complex task of professional programmers, in particular when the systems have to operate in dynamic environments.
The ProMAS workshop series aims to address practical issues related to developing and deploying multi-agent systems. In particular, ProMAS aims to address how MAS designs or specifications can be effectively implemented. To address such issues, the workshop promotes the discussion and exchange of ideas concerning concepts, techniques, and principles that are important for multi-agent programming technology. In the three previous editions, ProMAS constituted an invaluable occasion, bringing together leading researchers from both academia and industry to discuss such issues. Confirming the growing importance of this area of research, in 2005 ProMAS was the most popular of all AAMAS workshops in terms of numbers of registered participants.
We encourage the submission of original papers in any of the areas mentioned below. We particularly welcome papers describing programming languages and tools that provide specific programming constructs to facilitate the implementation of the essential concepts used in multi-agent system analysis and specifications. We also welcome submissions describing significant multi-agent applications, showing clearly the added-value of multi-agent programming for designers and programmers both in academia and industry.
Specific topics for this workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Programming Languages for multi-agent systems
- Extensions of traditional languages for multi-agent programming
- Theoretical and practical aspects of multi-agent programming
- Computational complexity of MAS
- Semantics for multi-agent programming languages
- High-level executable multi-agent specification languages
- Algorithms, techniques, or protocols for multi-agent issues
(e.g., coordination, cooperation, negotiation)
- Agent communication issues in multi-agent programming
- Implementation of social and organisational aspects of MAS
- Formal methods for specification and verification of MAS
- Verification tools for implementations of MAS
- Agent development tools and platforms
- Generic tools and infrastructures for multi-agent programming
- Interoperability and standards for MAS
- Programming mobile agents
- Safety and security for mobile MAS deployment
- Fault tolerance and load balancing for mobile MAS
- Application areas for multi-agent programming languages
- Applications using legacy systems
- Prog