As the data volumes continue to increase and the ways of information dispersion across the globe continue to diversify, new scalable methods and structures are needed for efficiently processing those distributed and autonomous data. Grid computing, P2P technology, distributed information retrieval technology, and networking technology all must be merged to address the scalability concern. This forum focuses on this key merged domain and looks for new integrated solutions for this diversifying world of information.
Conference Scope:
Parallel Information Retrieval
Scalable Distributed Information Retrieval
Scalable Grid Information Systems
P2P Systems
Scalable Mobile/Sensor DB Systems
Index Compression Methods
Architectures for Scalability
Networking for Scalable Information Systems
Scalable Information System Applications
(medicine, biology, military, etc.)
Evaluation Metrics for Scalability
Data Mining
Information Security
Important Deadlines (tentative):
Paper submission: 1 Oct 2005
Notification: 31 Dec 2005
Final version: 15 Feb 2006
Publications: Original and previously unpublished technical papers are solicited for presentation at the conference and publication in the proceedings. The proceedings will be published by IEEE Press and available online through IEEE Xplore. Selected papers will be published in journal special issues.
General Chair
Xiaohua Jia, City University of Hong Kong
PC Chairs
Abdur Chowdhury, AOL
Francis Lau, The University of Hong Kong
Frank Zhigang Wang, Cambridge-Cranfield High Performance
Computing Facilities
Steering Committee Chairs
Imrich Chlamtac, CreateNet Research Consortium, Chair
Ophir Frieder, Illinois Institute of Technology, Co-chair
Publicity Chairs
Jinli Cao, La Trobe University
Local Arrangement Chair
Victor Lee, City University of Hong Kong
Program Committee
Khalid Al-Begain, University of Glamorgan, Wales
David Al-Dabass, University of Nottingham Trent, UK
Mohand Boughanem, University Paul Sabatier, France
Andrei Broder, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Wentong Cai, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Jamie Callan, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
David Carmel, IBM Research, Israel
Jose Manuel Garcia Carrasco, University of Murcia, Spain
Scott Cost, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Fabio Crestani, University of Strathclyde, UK
Arjen de Vries, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Netherlands
David Doermann, University of Maryland, USA
Tarek El-Ghazawi, George Washington University, USA
Dan Feng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P. R. China
Galal Hassan Galal-Edeen, Cairo University, Egypt
Lee Giles, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Nazli Goharian, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
Siegmar Gross, University of Applied Science