The theory of graph spectra is now a well established field of research in mathematics and in several applied sciences (e.g. chemistry), and many results have been published over the last few decades. In recognition of the strong developments in the subject, this workshop has been organized as a forum for the many researchers around the world.
The main goals of the workshop are to bring together the leading researchers on graph spectra and related topics, to establish the state of the art, and to discuss recent achievements and challenges. The topics include applications of graph spectra to chemistry and other branches of
science. The members of the Scientific Committee are among the renowned
specialists on spectral graph theory who will deliver 10 plenary presentations. Additionally, we have planned a problem session and a few parallel contributions where international experts will be able to present their most recent results.
Contributors should submit the pdf file of their abstract (no more than two
A4 pages), attached to their registration form or to a message sent to [email protected], by January 15, 2006. Notification of acceptance will be sent by February 15, 2006.