It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in the Sixth Conference on the Analysis of Manufacturing Systems jointly organized under the auspices of BETA and EURANDOM.
The conference will be held in the Werelt in Lunteren (centrally located in the Netherlands near the Veluwe, see also the website: http://www.dewerelt.nl/engels/index.htm) from May 11 - May 16, 2007. The accommodation is easy to reach by car and public transport (e.g. via Schiphol airport). The format of the conference will not be changed: we plan to have around 40 presentations of 30 minutes each (no parallel sessions) and plenty of opportunity to meet, collaborate and discuss research. The scientific committee of the conference is still composed of Stan Gershwin, Semyon Meerkov, Baris Tan, Jim MacGregor Smith, George Liberopoulos, John Buzacott, Yves Dallery and Christos Papadopoulos. The organizing committee for the 2007 edition is composed of Onno Boxma, Jan van der Wal, Geert-Jan van Houtum, Ton de Kok, Will Bertrand, Tom van Woensel, Ties Leermakers and Kurtulus 'ner. The conference fee is set to 800 EURO for regular participants and 600 EURO for PhD students. This includes the conference fees, proceedings, the hotel rooms for all nights, all breakfasts, lunches and dinners (including wine), coffee/tea/snack breaks and the tour on Sunday. This means that the only thing left to pay is the travelling expenses and some drinks!