Business Services Networks (BSNs) are business networks, that is, a group of cooperative organizations either within an enterprise or between different enterprises, which are based on services. In that context, a service represents a set of encapsulated IT components implementing specific business functions. The service interface is self-describing in order to publish, discover and dynamically bind services using an underlying Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), most often implemented using Web Services standards. However, this flexibility with regard to loose-coupling and the interoperability between cooperative organizations is being applied in current projects, especially in industrial projects.
This workshop concentrates on all facets of BSNs and the architecture of service-oriented solutions supporting inter-enterprise collaboration, throughout the entire collaboration life-cycle. This includes the consideration of business strategies for the establishment of a BSN with cooperative organizations from different SOA environments and maturity, as well as the design of such cooperation and collaboration starting with the requirements until the final instantiation of the collaboration by discovering, composing, deploying, and invoking services. Based on the composed BSN, the cooperation and collaboration brings new research from the perspectives of business (e.g. provisioning) and technical (e.g. transactions), e.g. monitoring and auditing in a network of organizations.
We invite papers that address business, research and technical issues of BSNs from various perspectives, including strategies on the development of new BSNs, the design of BSNs, as well as its management and execution. We encourage contributions from both academia and industry.