Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication in =
the following journals:
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (IJFS)
International Journal of e-Business Management (IJEBM)
Journal of Internet Technologies (JIT)
Early registration fee (until November 1, 2005):
TAAI member: NT$ 2500 (US$ 80)
Non-Member: NT$ 3000 (US$ 95)
Student: NT$ 1500 (US$ 48)
Late registration fee (after November 1, 2005):
TAAI member: NT$ 2700 (US$ 86)
Non-Member: NT$ 3200 (US$ 102)
Student: NT$ 1600 (US$ 51)
Topics of Interest
We are pleased to invite papers on Artificial Intelligent and related areas=
within Information
Technology, Advanced Internet Technologies, Business or Management Applicat=
ions of AI as well
as emerging intelligent fields and technologies. The plenary sessions, and =
contributory sessions
are focused on the theory and applications of various intelligent technique=
s, including but not
limited to the following topics of interest and areas of application
* Agents
* AI Applications
* AI Architectures
* Artificial Neural Networks
* Automated Reasoning
* Cognitive Modeling
* Common-Sense Reasoning
* Data Mining
* Distributed AI
* Evolutionary Computation
* Fuzzy Systems
* Grey Theory
* Hybrid Systems
* Information Integration
* Information Retrieval
* Intelligent e-learning
* Knowledge-Based Systems
* Knowledge Representation
* Logic in AI
* Machine Learning
* Mobile Intelligence
* Natural Language Processing
* Ontology
* Pattern Recognition
* Planning
* Problem Solving and Search
* Probabilistic and Uncertain
* Reasoning
* Robotics
* Semantic Web
* Speech Recognition and Synthesis
* Vision
* Web Intelligence
Submission of Papers
Papers are invited from prospective authors with interests on the conferenc=
e topics and
related areas of applications. All contributions must be original and not p=
elsewhere or intended to be published during the review period. Contributio=
ns from
related fields in the applications of artificial intelligence in industry o=
r commerce
are welcome. Papers should not be more than 8 pages in length, conforming t=
o the formatting instructions detailed
in the website (http://taai2005.nuk.edu.tw). To ensure high quality, all pa=
pers will be thoroughly reviewed by the Program Committee.
All accepted papers must be presented by one of the authors who must regist=
er and pay fees.