Country: Spain (SPN)
[Call for paper]2014 International Conference on Social Sciences and Innovations
July 19-20, 2014
Madrid, Spain
(Submission Deadline): 2014-05-20
All papers for the ICSSI2014 will be published in IJSSH (ISSN: 2010-3646) as one volume, and will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by Google Scholar, DOAJ, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Crossref, and ProQuest .
One Excellent Paper will be selected from each oral session The Certificate for Excellent Papers will be awarded in the Welcome Banquet on July 20, 2014.
(Call for Peper):
Administrative Sciences
Behavioral and Psychological Sciences
Cognitive, Psychological and Behavioral Sciences
Communication and Information Technologies in Social Sciences
Computation and Social Networks
Digital Libraries, Archives and Repositories
Economics, Financial and Industrial Systems
Education and Information Technologies
Energy Alternatives
Ethical Issues and Challenges
Health Issues and Services
Human and Social Evolutionary Complexity
Information and Communication Systems
Innovation, Technology and Society
Knowledge Management and Knowledge Economy
Land-Use Modeling Techniques and Applications
Learning and Behavioral Modeling
Management Information Systems
Mathematical Modeling in Social Science
Women’s studies
More topics: http://icssi.org/cfp.htm
(Submission Method):
Electronic Submission System; (.pdf)
(Contact Us):
Contact Email:
For any inquiry about the submission and conference, please free free to contact us at: [email protected]