Country: France (FRA)
2014 3rd International Conference on Industrial and Intelligent Information
(ICIII 2014)
May 21-22, 2014
Paris, France
All accepted papers of ICIII 2014 will be published in the Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information (ISSN:2301-3745, DOI: 10.12720/jiii), and will be indexed by Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Engineering & Technology Digital Library and Electronic Journals Library
Submission Deadline: 2014-03-20
Call for Paper:
1. Neural networks and Applications
2. Machine Learning
3. Multimedia System and Applications
4. Speech Processing
5. Image & video Signal Processing
6. ComputerāAided Network Design
7. Intelligent Robot
8. Intelligent Circuits and Systems
9. Embedded system and software
10. Artificial intelligence
11. Distributed and parallel algorithms
12. Web and internet computing
13. IT policy and business management
14. Industry Application
Submission Methods:
1. Electronic Submission System; (.pdf)
2. Email: [email protected]. (.pdf and .doc)
Contact Us:
Ms. Camilla Xu
Tel: +8628-8652-8758 (English)
E-mail: [email protected]