Country: Italy (ITA)
After 10 years from the EURO XIX in Istanbul, EURO and INFORMS have decided to have their Conferences joint and have accepted the proposal by the Italian Operational Research Society of organizing this meeting on behalf of EURO.
It is a real honour and privilege for me to serve as Chairman of the Organizing Committee and invite you all to partecipate to the XXVI EURO – INFORMS Joint International Conference in Rome on 1-4 July 2013.
Sapienza Università di Roma (www.uniroma1.it) is the location we have chosen for this extraordinary event. With more than 700 years of history and 150.000 students, Sapienza is the largest University of Europe: this “City within the City” is located at 10 minutes walking distance from the very centre of Rome and will offer us a stimulating scenario for our scientific programme.